Biophysica Colloidal Silver Generators
Colloidal Silver
Biophysica colloidal silver generators feature advanced AC microcircuitry which limits the flow of silver ions during production and increases the particle to ion ratio. Models include a mechanical constant stirring device, 12 setting manual current control, and a voltage output monitor. Follow this link for our colloidal gold generators section: Colloidal Gold Generators
Biophyisca, Inc.Research and consultant company specializing in conventional and alternative health devices and equipment
Featured Model - CS12A Colloidal Silver Generator©
This unique colloidal silver generator is capable of producing 12 different types of metal colloids / solutions, including gold, titanium, platinum and selenium. This is the first generator we've seen that contains microcircuitry that automatically steps up the current during production. Biophysica offers a wide range of metal colloid generation options, with prices starting at about $700.00 per package.
To visit the Biophysica website, click here.
times since August 2009 Silver SilverGen ----Coyote ZEnterprizes----Sota Instruments ----Biophysica ----Colloidal Gold Generators---- Atlasnova---- SIS Machines
Page Last Modified: 12/31/69 04:00
Comments (2)
Wish to buy a colloidal silver generator. Pls share the details and pricing so that I can place my order. Thanks
In order to purchase, you would need to go to Biophysica's website. We do not currently sell any colloidal silver generators.
I have used the Biophysica Colloidal Mineral Generators for years as they were developed by Quantum Physicist |John Stewart who used his in-depth scientific knowledge to create what I believe is the best Colloidal Generators available. They not only make Silver, but also make multiple other essential colloidal minerals such as Zinc, Magnesium, Copper, Gold, Platinum, Tin, Iron.
The products produced have been excellent for my health and have saved me and others from may health disasters.
Well worth checking http://www.biophysica.com/colloidal_generator/colloidal_generator.php